New Arc Line Is a Surprising Blend of Arcanum and Disco! - Early Access Preview Impressions [ACG]

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I decided to share this here because it's always nice to see a promising new RPG. I especially like this trend that I first saw in BG3 where we're animating the dice rolls on skill checks. I'll take an animated dice roll over a lockpicking minigame any day.


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Thanks for sharing, this looks interesting.

Am just here to represent Team Interactivity in the apparent war versus Team Animate the Background Mechanics πŸ˜› *swipes the dice and uses them for a lockpicking minigame* 😈

Heh, I've seen what feels like a thousand different attempts to represent lockpicking in a minigame, and they've always felt like a waste of time at best. In an RPG, your skills on your character sheet determine what you're good at, so I've found it's more honest to just represent that with a dice roll rather than making you break lockpicks super quickly or something.

It came up in my feed, and I'm definitely intrigued!